Join me on YouTube as we study the entire book of Colossians - verse by verse.
You’re wanting to start reading the Bible, but you’re feeling overwhelmed at all the options Google offers.
I totally get it, because that’s where I was about 5 years ago. I was wanting to dig into God’s word but trying to figure out where to begin sent me into a slightly frantic mindset.
Here, I have listed my favorite go-to items that I would recommend to anyone ready to start reading their Bible. There are PLENTY of things I purchased and then realized they weren’t what I was needing.
Everything I have listed here are my personal favorites. You will find these in my home. I won’t ever recommend something I am not currently using.
With that being said, let’s dive in!
Note: This post may contain affiliate links. At no cost to you, I may make a small commission on anything you purchase through my link. But don’t worry, I never promote products that I don’t believe in or truly love.
If you’re eager to dive into your Bible but uncertain where to begin, don’t miss out on my FREE Download. This easy-to-follow 5-Step Rinse and Repeat approach provides clarity by guiding you on the essential questions to ask while reading God’s Word, enabling a deeper and clearer understanding.
Finding the right study Bible is a huge part when it comes to reading your Bible. You can check out my top 5 Study Bibles that I use here. While there isn’t one “right” study Bible to use, it is important to use discernment when we are choosing one to read. There are plenty of Bibles out there that won’t benefit us, so here are a few things I look at when I am looking for a study Bible.
Before I purchase a study Bible I look at the person (or group) who wrote the notes. While I don’t expect to agree with every single interpretation the Bible gives (end times, gifts of the Spirit, etc.) I do expect the author to have a firm foundation on orthodox Christianity and write the commentary based on those beliefs.
What translation is the Bible written in?
I am not a KJV only gal, but I grew up as one. While I don’t think there is “only one translation we should use” I do think it is our job as Believers to use wisdom when we are looking at a specific translation. I recommend ESV or the NASB (or if you’re clinging to KJV) for a translation that is closest to the original text. If you’re wanting an easier read without compromising the original language, NIV is a good option.
Contrary to popular belief, I would not recommend “The Message” as a Bible to use. While it might be easier to read than other translations, it is a paraphrase. If God’s Word is living and active, I don’t want to study based on a paraphrase, I want the closest interpretation to the original context as possible.
Another note: “The Passion Translation” is not a true translation of the Bible. If just ‘one’ person is translating the entire Bible, you should have red flags. Instead there should be a plethora of people with different degrees and backgrounds translating. I don’t have time to go into detail about the translation itself, but I can’t in good conscience recommend anyone to read “The Passion Translation.”
I have training and teaching that goes more in depth about the different translations, along with verse by verse comparisons and timeline of the different English translations as a part of my Bible Reading Bundle – you can get more details here.
When I first started reading my Bible, I knew I needed help. I was in my thirties and realized I had never actually read the Bible for myself. So I began consuming all sorts of bible studies for women. Some were good, but sadly most of them were fluff with no real meat of God’s word. You can see my top 5 Bible Studies I would recommend if you’re just getting started here.
Similar to my requirements when looking for a good study Bible, there are two things I would say to look at if you’re wanting to study the Bible.
There are so many authors who write Bible studies that don’t hold Scripture as the authoritative Word of God. So do a quick research before buying.
If a “study” only has one or two verses for you to read and the rest of it is for the author to tell stories or talk about what the verses mean to them, do yourself a favor and move on. You want a study that spends most time in Scripture. God’s Word is living and active – not men’s.
Outside of Bibles to use or studies to get you started, here are just a few of my favorite accessories when I am reading and studying the Bible.
ESV Study Journals – you can buy these individually or as a set.
But these are so easy to study Scripture with. They have the verses written on one page with a blank page beside it for notes. You can write, underline, and mark up the pages without worrying about it bleeding through!
If you aren’t afraid of writing in your Bible but you don’t want to mess with highlighters bleeding through, then these are the highlighters you need. They have lots of different colors you can choose from too!
I LOVE this reading light. I can clip it on my Bible (or any book). It’s lightweight, has 3 different light colors, and brightness levels to choose from. It’s rechargeable, so you don’t have to worry about plug ins or batteries! I use this one all the time!
I got this lap desk for Christmas and I love it. I usually read in my bed, but even if I am on the couch, this is so nice to have! It has a place for my phone, pens, and highlighters! I use it for my laptop as well!
Feeling overwhelmed by all of the options while attempting to start reading the Bible is completely relatable—I’ve been there. The struggle to choose a starting point can lead to a whirlwind of uncertainty.
In this list, I’ve compiled my tried-and-true go-to items for anyone eager to start their Bible reading journey. I’ve made mistakes in purchasing items that weren’t quite what I needed, but everything mentioned here reflects my personal favorites—products I actively use.
Rest assured, these recommendations aren’t just random selections; they’re items you’d find in my own home. I firmly believe in sharing only what I personally use and trust.
Check out my list of Bibles here.
You can see my favorite Bible Studies here.
See y’all around,
If you haven’t already, make sure and grab my 5-Step Rinse and Repeat method to start reading your Bible today! This guide will help you take your Bible reading to the next level. You can print it out and keep it in your Bible to use every day!
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Christ follower, wife, & homeschool mom. Being a teacher to my core - I love sharing all things Bible reading and showing women how they can work in the online world through a Christian worldview.