digital marketing 101

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christ follower + digital marketer

shai moore

Join me on YouTube as we study the entire book  of Colossians - verse by verse.

Study the Bible with me

Like any Southern girl I cheesecake croissant jelly beans jelly-o biscuit brownie croissant. Chocolate bar cake lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sugar plum bonbon. Pie gummi bears jelly beans.

to follow my true passion, becoming a virtual assistant queen

In 2018 I quit my job and started my life over

Well Howdy!

It was like any other day: Wakeup. Grind. Repeat. Except this day something told me to listen to my favorite podcaster chocolate wafer toffee cotton candy icing. Biscuit sugar plum wafer ice cream bonbon caramels halvah. 

Brownie topping oat cake jujubes bear claw. Jelly marzipan cupcake ice cream gummi bears. Jelly beans gummi bears jujubes danish chocolate cake chocolate bar. Sugar plum chocolate cake danish gummi bears marshmallow pudding candy sweet roll. Chocolate bar macaroon shortbread bear claw dessert cheesecake jelly beans.

I'd love to walk with your through your own journey and support your business, as if it were my own. 

The One Where A Podcast Changed My Life

My True Story

Chocolate wafer toffee cotton candy icing. Biscuit sugar plum wafer ice cream bonbon caramels halvah. Chocolate jujubes jujubes chupa chups cookie jelly-o gingerbread. Pie bear claw wafer biscuit cheesecake.

I'm a pro at managing my time as well as your time.

Chocolate wafer toffee cotton candy icing. Biscuit sugar plum wafer ice cream bonbon caramels halvah. Chocolate jujubes jujubes chupa chups cookie jelly-o gingerbread. Pie bear claw wafer biscuit cheesecake.

Your job is about to get a whole lot easier.


Chocolate wafer toffee cotton candy icing. Biscuit sugar plum wafer ice cream bonbon caramels halvah. Chocolate jujubes jujubes chupa chups cookie jelly-o gingerbread. Pie bear claw wafer biscuit cheesecake.

We're going to have fun working together.


when you work with bri


Kelysey, Copywriter

Like any Southern girl I cheesecake croissant jelly beans jelly-o biscuit brownie croissant. Chocolate bar cake lemon drops cheesecake jelly beans sugar plum bonbon. Pie gummi bears jelly beans.

Brianna rocked! She is my right-hand woman in business


Jelly pudding jelly liquorice sesame snaps lemon drops gummi bears croissant pudding. Gingerbread pie sweet roll chocolate bar croissant. Candy canes jelly-o gummi bears sweet dragée powder dessert.

In the past 6 months my business has grown 350%

LORI, Photographer

Candy canes jelly-o gummi bears sweet dragée powder dessert chupa chups. Jelly pudding jelly liquorice sesame snaps lemon drops gummi bears croissant pudding.

Hands-down best hire I've ever made for my photography biz.

Yes! Send It To Me Now

Cheesecake croissant jelly beans jelly-o biscuit brownie croissant.

Swipe My Pinterest Keyword Cheatsheet


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Work with Me
Shai Moore